Monday, August 26

Friendship and Succulents

Today I find myself really missing my beautiful friend who made me this beautiful basket of succulents.


We've both been going through some hard times lately and I miss how our laughter would fill the room. It always cheered me up.

Even though we didn't get to see each other often as we'd have liked when I lived in Seattle (chronic illness can be a bisnitch) just knowing she was a drive away was comforting.
Now that I live across the continent from her I'm feeling the withdrawal. So I'm watering my birthday succulent and smiling while sending her a shout out. Lady, I miss you! Darn these stupid time zones and miles... I'm sending you love, laughter, and smiles on the internets instead.
When are you starting your blog so I can keep up with your fabulousness more easily? You can't hide your kind of light under bushel, you've got to share that sh**!

(Photo by Krista Carson.)


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