Sunday, November 10

Shoes, Shoes, Shoes

Frends, the makers of my favorite super chic super sounding headphones, was doing an Instagram competition that involved posting a picture of your favorite fall shoes. So naturally I had to enter. Twice.

My first photo was of my favorite silver oxfords that I take everywhere. They are the best for party season and travel because they dress up or down so easily and are comfy. (They add just the right amount of flair to a party dress.) A gorgeous pair of black patent leather 'dorsay pointed toe flats that I found at Marshall's. And last but not least the ivory silk something blue, blue-soled, peep toe heels my husband gave to me for our wedding. I love them! They are the perfect winter-white party pump to take me from the Fallidays to the Holidays.
The competition theme is "one is not enough" so naturally I have a second photo. This one has a super comfy and chic pair of flat black ankle boots. Glittery black party pumps that were a gift from my friend for being her Matron of Honor. Camel colored brass buckled ballet flats that are the perfect way to chic up my traveling outfits and go with everything. And lastly, my Frends headphones in black leather and silver because "one is not enough."
Wish me luck! I'm headphone obsessed so I would really love to win a pair! (Especially of their rose gold and white ones!)
(Photos owned by Krista Carson.)



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