Friday, March 7

Get Nailed

I've been really under the weather lately... (Boo being sick!)
And for some reason whenever I'm sick I really like to paint my nails. Maybe it's all the sitting still but I just feel like I finally have enough time to.
Full disclosure, I'm pretty good at painting them rather fast so I really think it's just having enough time to let them dry.

(Excuse the stubbed big toe and fingertip callouses please. I'm clumsy and play guitar and ukelele.)

I always start with Sally Hansen's Miracle Cure as a base coat. It hardens your nails and always keeps mine from getting polish stains too so I like it better than a regular base coat.

Then I used OPI's Rinse Charming, a liquid silver color. Followed by two coats of a Del Sol UV color changing silvery/ gold glitter topcoat. Next I added OPI's crackle topcoat in white.

Lastly I added a gold pyramid stud (purchased in a set from Five Below) and another layer of Miracle Cure as a topcoat.

The Del Sol polish I used will change color to a pinkish red in the sun and I'd love to show you but... ironically enough we haven't had enough sun down here in the Sunshine State lately...

So as soon as the skies change their disposition, I'll share.



(Images created and owned by Krista Carson.)

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