Wednesday, January 2

A Walk In The Park

I woke up this morning to the sun shining brightly in the crisp frosty air. I opened up all the blinds and let it flow over me while I drank my coffee in the quiet. Glorious.
When Husband woke up we relaxed a bit and decided to head over to Lincoln Park to enjoy a brisk stroll in today's bounteous sunshine (He's working nights at the moment).
There's nothing like a new year and sunshine in Seattle to make you giddy with all the promise and possibilities of the future, make you thankful for today, and grateful for things past.
(The Vashon Ferry Dock)
(Husband with the Olypics in the background)


(The Puget Sound rushing in over the beach pebbles)
(The Vashon Ferry)


(Vashon Island with the Olympic Mountain chain in the background)

More sunshine and mountains coming your way. :)



(All images created and owned by Krista Carson, Cinemagrams created using Cinemagram)


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