Thursday, May 3

Objets De L'intrigue

Ibride is a French "atelier de création" that breathes life to fanciful objects that function both as art and household item. With their animals holding court, in some cases literally, over your everyday life you'll put the "fun" back in functional!

My favorite piece is their White Ming Vase that is actually a stack of, oh so very pretty, painted bowls!

I also love their very cleverly cute shelving designs:

Feeling light? Try the Nibus and Cirrus shelves!

Looking to make new friends? Meet Joe the bear!

Need storage that's short on space and long on dashing style? How about one of their Bel Ami portraits!

Do I even need to tell you how fabulous their designs are? Methinks not...

So here's to a whimsically "fun"ctional end to your week!




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